Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What Happened in Ohio

The election is over but the consequences will live on for decades. We have allowed special interest money to be used, through propaganda, to overturn the economic recovery plan of elected officials. The unions comprise 12% of national workers, however their deception and fear- mongering has succeeded in controlling our public sector expenses. The lap dog Democrats will receive healthy kickbacks in the form of campaign contributions. The true loser in this “process” is not only the taxpayers of Ohio and America, but every family.
Let me give you my predictions from your actions. This election is a harbinger for the other states and Governors that are trying to implement austerity programs in their states. This defeat will embolden the tyrannical minority to use similar tactics in all states. With this tool taken from governors, the cost of “public servants,” not just the firefighters, police, nurses and teachers, who shamelessly permitted propaganda ads in their name, but all bureaucrats. With this increased cost, communities, as they are doing now, will be forced to lay off workers. This will put the community in danger, and officials will overwhelm the public with levies and bond issues. If passed, these high taxes will stop people from moving into communities. Businesses will not open in these communities due to cost. If they do not pass, citizens will be put in danger. Schools will have larger classes and be unproductive. Without jobs the tax bases will continue to fall, causing more chaos. Our children will be forced to relocate to sensible states to get jobs. Who will take care of the elderly if all of the younger generation relocates?
These things, multiplied throughout liberal states, will cause a total collapse of our economic system. As you can see now the streets in cities across America are filled with Occupy Wall Street and Occupy name- the- city, protesting capitalism. You had the Tea Party in the streets last summer wanting to go back to the constitution and small government. Both sides have total disdain for government leaders. After the collapse of the dollar this will result in anarchy in our streets. We have seen this throughout the Middle East and Europe, as agitators from AFL-CIO, SEIU, and the Muslim Brotherhood joined forces to unite the workers of the world (as Marx stated and was repeated by Andy Stern President of SEIU) to overthrow capitalism. Richard Trumka, President of AFL-CIO, whose organization (with George Soros, SEIU, and Move was a major backer of We Are Ohio, won an award from the Communist Party USA for his work advancing their cause. I do not blame the rank and file union member. You were lied to, had your emotions and self-preservation instincts stirred, and mobilized to do the national leaders bidding. Marx called liberals “useful idiots”.
Now it is too late. We will play out the scenario and try to pick up the pieces when sanity is restored. Until then I am the 88. That is the 88% that will have to pay for someone else’s lapse of judgment. I will not, if within my power, support any business that employs union members. I will no longer support union charities. And I will vote No on every levy and bond issue until unions are gone.