Sunday, December 2, 2018

Going Home

There are times that I just want to go home and be with the Lord.  I know this world is not my home.  Surrounded by sin, hurt, and depravity.   The culture is the antithesis of what lives in my heart.  So I wait.  I wait for the rapture or the Lord to call me home.  I love my friends and family.  And think of Paul saying to live is Christ to die is gain.  He went on to say it is better for you that I stay.  Therefore it is selfish to want to escape.  That said, then why are we who love the Lord still here? 
   God has called all Christian to be His Ambassadors in this world.  What does an Ambassador do? In good times they negotiate deals. They represent their Kingdom's interest.  In tense times they negotiate for peace.  Try to persuade their foes what is in their best interest.  This failing, they warn of impending war, and the consequences.  When all negotiations have broken down, the enemy will no longer listen, then the King will remove His ambassadors, and bring them home to protect them.
    So there is the answer to why we are in this sin sick world.  We are trying to bring those separated from God to peace.  We are representing in word and action their best interest.  The King, and only the King, will decide when all hope is lost.  Those separated will no longer listen.  Then, and only then will He remove us and bring us home.
   None of us are called to save the world.  We are ambassadors in our sphere of influence.  Our family,  friends, and acquaintances.  The Lord may bring others into our sphere that need Him.  We are to be open and available to the leading of the Spirit. 
   So we labor on as ambassadors.  With the honor of representing the King of Kings!  And await the time for His calling us home, and to hear the words "Well done good and faithful servant"!