Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Look in the Mirror

We had a recent election.  75% said the country is going in the wrong direction.  The Democrats, President, Senate, and Congress all had low approval ratings. Polls and pundits said a wave of change was coming. Yet what should have happened didn't.  
Democrats ran on abortion,  climate change,  and Republicans are evil. Republicans ran on the economy/inflation,  the energy crisis, and border security.  Abortion doesn't affect most lives, and the Supreme Court said it's a states rights issue.  Therefore, it was irrelevant to the federal election.  Climate change is something in the future if it's true at all. We do not have the technology to address the issues as Democrats want. Their solutions are destroying our lives today. And, if you are a Christian like me you believe God created the earth, and man doesn't have the ability to destroy the earth, unless God wants it destroyed.  If God wants it destroyed,  man cannot stop it. Lastly Republicans such. Many people are decieved by Democrat and media lies. Many people hate Trump, and those he supports. Some believe Republicans are a threat to democracy.  Putting aside we are a Constitutional Republic and not a democracy,  why? Republicans believe in the Constitution.  Limited government, individual freedom, and personal responsibility.  I personally don't think this election was about issues.  If it was Republicans would have won easily. I believe it is spiritual warfare,  good vs evil, God vs Satan.  If  you wonder which side is which read Marx and Madison.  It will show you who's on which side. Spooiler alert,  Marx hated religion.
So here we are, and at the point I want to make. Choices have consequences.  I want people who voted for any Democrat to take responsibility for your choice.  As inflation soars, and you cannot buy groceries for your family, look in the mirror, you did this.  When you cannot afford gas for your car,  look in the mirror, you did this. As delivery trucks cannot get diesel and shelves of the stores are empty, look in the mirror,  you did this. As you cannot afford to pay to heat or cool your home, look in the mirror,  you did this. As illegal immigrants enter the country, commit crimes, and use taxpayers resources, look in the mirror, you did this. As children and women are sold in human trafficking for sex, look in the mirror, you did this. As gangs cross illegally,  bringing drugs and violent crime, look in the mirror, you did this. As young people die from fentynal and other drugs coming in illegally,  maybe your child or grandchildren, look in the mirror, you did this. You elected a president with dementia, that doesn't have the mental or physical capabilities for the office. You elected Marxist that hate America.  That are bringing moral bankruptcy to the country and children. They are bringing racial division.  They are taking our individual freedom.  And our free and fair elections.  They have destroyed the rule of law. Look in the mirror,  you did this. 

But take solice, you showed Trump.